Life Care Planning Research
Sherie L. Kendall, Ph.D. received a B.A. in Biology from Indiana University Kokomo, followed by a doctorate from Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, in Medical Neurobiology with a minor in Anatomy. Eli Lilly Neuroscience Discovery Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN, awarded her a Women’s Health Internship to study gender differences in models of brain ischemia for her dissertation. As a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Kentucky College of Medicine she received advanced training in Therapeutic and Translational Clinical Research while investigating hormonal neuroprotection and the relationship of HIV-associated dementia to illicit drug use, published in the open access journal, BMC, (Kendall et al., 2005). Her latest study at University of Kentucky investigating estradiol’s modulation of amphetamine’s effects in young women was recently published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior (Lile et al., 2007). Dr. Kendall currently serves as Assistant Professor of Biology in the Division of Nursing & Science at Midway College, Midway, Kentucky where she teaches Anatomy & Physiology for pre-nursing students.
As Director of Research for the Foundation for Life Care Planning Research, Dr. Kendall organizes studies in validation and reliability of life care planning methodology. Publications include contributions to the Journal of Life Care Panning, (Deutsch et al., 2005; Kendall & Deutsch, 2002; Kendall & Casuto, 2005). A Guide to Rehabilitation (Deutsch et al., 2003), Life Care Panning and Case Management Handbook (Kendall, 2004) and Case Management for Rehabilitation Health Professionals (Reid et al., 2004). Her most recent work with the Foundation has been published in NeuroRehabilitation (Deutsch et al., 2006).
Dr. Kendall is a National Institutes of Drug Abuse Travel Award winning international speaker, having presented the results of her research at scientific meetings in Europe, Canada, Puerto Rico, and across the United States. She is active in the Society for Neuroscience, Kentucky Academy of Science, Academy of Southeastern Biologists, Science Advisory Board and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Cambridge Who’s Who Registry of Executives and Professionals recognized Dr. Kendall as a lifetime member in their 2007-2008 edition.
Current Appointments and Positions
Director of Research
Foundation for Life Care Planning Research
Oviedo, Florida
Assistant Professor of Biology
Division of Nursing
Midway College, Midway, Kentucky
Partial list of Publications and Presentations supported by research grant funding from FLCPR:
Allison, L. A. (2007). Life care planning for individuals with spinal cord injuries: Outcomes and considerations.
(Dissertation, Ohio State University.)
Buckles, V., Pomeranz, J., & Young, M. E. (2008). The applicability of the life care plan for adopted
children with disabilities: What will Medicaid pay? Journal of Life Care Planning,75(3), 107-122.
Cimino-Ferguson, S. (2005). Multiple relationships in the field of life care planning. Journal of Life Care
Planning, 4(1), 11-16.
Dawson, Brandie (2009). Spinal muscular atrophy Type II, implications for the life care plan: A case
study involving opposite-sex siblings with spinal muscular atrophy Type II. Journal of Life Care
Planning, 8(4), 157-193.
Deutsch, P. M., Allison, L., & Kendall, S. L. (2003). Research design and statistics: A practical guide to
reading research literature and practice guidelines. In P. M. Deutsch & H. W. Sawyer (Eds.),
A guide to rehabilitation (pp. 9B1-9B88). White Plains, NY: AHAB.
Deutsch, P.M., Kendall, S. L, Raffa, F., Daninhirsch, C., & Cimino-Ferguson, S. (2006). Technolgies' impact
on life care planning: A pilot study of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Life Care
Planning,4(4), 161-172.
Deutsch, P.M., Kendall, S. L, Raffa, F., Daninhirsch, C., Cimino-Ferguson, S., & McCollom, P. (2006).
Vocational outcomes after brain injury in a patient population evaluated for life care plan
reliability. NeuroRehabilitation, 21, 305-314.
Kendall, S. L. (2004). Life care planning with the HIV/AIDS patient. In R. O. Weed (Ed.), Life care planning
and case management handbook (2nd ed., pp. 381-423). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Kendall, S. L. & Casuto, D. (2005). A quantitative reappraisal of a qualitative survey to assess reliability
and validity of the life care planning process. Journal of Life Care Planning, 4(2&3), 75-84.
Marini, I., & Harper, D. (2006). Empirical validation of medical equipment replacement values in
Life care plans Journal of Life Care Planning, 4(4), 173-182.
Neulicht, A. T., Riddick-Grisham, S., & Goodrich, W. R. (2010). Life care plan survey 2000: Process,
methods, and protocols. Journal of Life Care Planning, 9(4), 131-200.
Pomeranz, J. (2005). Identification of activities critical to examine the need for personal attendant care
for individuals with spinal cord injury. (Dissertation, University of Florida.)
Pomeranz, J., Shaw, L.R., Sawyer, H. W., & Velozo, C. A. (2006). Consensus among life care planners
regarding activities to consider when recommending personal attendant care services for
individuals with spinal cord injury: A Delphi study. Journal of Life Care Planning, 5(1&2), 7-22.
Pomeranz, J., Yu, M. S., & Reid, C. (2010). Role and function study of life care planners. Journal of Life
Care Planning, 9(3), 57-106.
Reid, C., Kitchen, J. A., Kendall, S. L, & Deutsch, P. M. (2005). Case management with people who have AIDS
or HIV infection. In F. Chan, M. J. Leahy, & J. L. Saunders (Eds.), Case management for rehabilitation
health professionals (2nd ed., pp. 186-209). Osage Beach, MO: Aspen Professional Services.
Rutherford-Owen, T., & Marini, I. (2012). Attendant care and spinal cord injuries: Usage patterns and
perspectives for those with life care plans. Journal of Life Care Planning, 10(4), 33-44.
Rutherford-Owen, T., & Marini, I. (2012). Life care plan implementation among adults with spinal cord
injuries. Journal of Life Care Planning, 10(4), 5-20.
Salmons, R. (2008). A study of quality of life issues for individuals with spinal cord injury following
treatment and financial settlement. Journal of Life Care Planning, 7(2), 73-83.
Sutton, A. M., Deutsch, P.M., Weed, R.O., & Berens, D. E. (2002) Reliability of life care plans: a
comparison of original and updated plans. Journal of Life Care Planning, 1(3), 187-194.
Van Wieren, T. & Reid, C. (2007). Nursing educational requirements: Relevance to life care planning
credentialing policy. Journal of Life Care Planning, 6(1&2), 1-45.
Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Antol, D. L., Maxwell, K., & Kerwin, S. (2016). A comparison of physiatrist life care
planners versus non-life care planner physiatrists’ professional opinions regarding secondary complications of
spinal cord injuries. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 3-23.
Ysasi, N. A., Kerwin, S., Marini, I., Bradley, M., Antol, D. L. (2016). Comprehensive literature review of
secondary complications of spinal cord injury. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 25-58.
Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Bradley, M., Chen, R. K., Dunkley, L., Kerwin, S. (2016). Physiatrists’ professional
opinions of secondary complications after SCI. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 59-70.
Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Sprong, M., Silva, I. (2016). Differences among life care planners and physiatrists
regarding the likelihood and frequency of secondary complications for persons with spinal cord injury. Journal
of Life Care Planning, 14(2), 3-37.
Yu, N. S., Pomeranz, J. L., Moorhouse, M. D., Shaw, L. S., & Deutsch, P. M. (2008). Identifying a new area
of damages: Assessing time loss associated with bowel management. Journal of Life Care Planning, 7(1), 3-11.
Ysasi, N. A., & Marini, I. (2015). The perceived prevalence of secondary complications among persons with SCI.
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP), New Orleans, LA. Concurrent Session.
Visitors to this site are invited to read excerpts from “Research Design and Statistics: A Practical Guide to Reading Research Literature and Practice Guidelines,” a chapter included in A Guide to Rehabilitation which has been reproduced with the permission of the publisher, Ahab Press, Inc.
Reliability and Validity for Life Care Planners
Reading and Interpreting Life Care Planning Literature
Ethics in Research
Introduction to Evidence-based Practice
Locating Practice Guidelines
Sources of Research Information
Journals & Articles
Lori Allison Abstract |
Multiple Relationships in the Field of Life Care Planning |
A Guide to Rehabilitation |
Technologies' Impact on Life Care Planning: A Pilot Study of Children with Cerebral Palsy |
Vocational Outcomes After Brain Injury in a Patient Population Evaluated for Life Care Plan Reliability |
A Quantitative Reappraisal of a Qualitative Survey to Assess Reliability and Validity of the Life Care Planning Process |
Research Methodology for Life Care Planners |
Empirical Validation of Medical Equipment Replacement Values in Life Care Plans |
Consensus Among Life Care Planners Regarding Activities to Consider When Recommending Personal Attendant Care Services for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: A Delphi Study |
Nursing Education Requirements: Relevance to Life Care Planning Credentialing Policy |
Reliability of Life Care Plans: A Comparison of Original and Updated Plans |
Nursing Educational Requirements: Relevance to Life Care Planning Credentialing Policy |